Insurance Defense
Insurance companies provide insurance coverage for a wide range of situations where their insureds could be sued for allegedly causing damage to a third party. Coverage ranges for claims arising from automobile accidents to toxic tort class-action litigation. In many of those cases, the complaint filed against the insured triggers a duty on behalf of the insurance company to defend its insured and potentially indemnify them for any settlement or judgment reached in the case. When such duties are triggered, the insurance company selects attorneys to defend the insured and lead the litigation to final resolution through trial or appeal, if necessary.
Given the skyrocketing costs of litigation, in order for insurance companies to provide a strong defense to their insured while at the same time managing defense costs and indemnity payouts, it is important for the insurance company to retain attorneys who are skilled litigators and also have an understanding and appreciation for the necessity of cost-effective litigation. In that regard, the key to managing defense costs is working with an attorney who understands the law, can provide the insurance carrier and its insured with an early evaluation of liability and damages and who can then execute a plan designed to bring the case to early resolution, wherever possible and practical. However, since every case is not a candidate for early resolution, it is equally important for an insurance company to retain experienced trial attorneys with proven results.
For over 35 years, BVH lawyers have been retained by some of the top insurance companies and self-insured organizations in the country to represent their insureds in a wide range of civil litigation matters. BVH has successfully defended cases involving construction accidents, construction defects, premises liability, products liability, toxic torts, medical malpractice, employment discrimination, civil rights violations, dram shop liability, local government and public official liability, housing authority regulation and compliance, professional negligence, personal injury and property damage claims.
BVH handles cases for its clients ranging from the most routine to complex tort litigation involving multi-million dollar exposures. The key to BVH's success and long-term relationship with its clients is the fact that BVH works closely with its clients and their insurers to perform an early evaluation, develop an agreed plan for resolution and then efficiently and effectively execute said plan. Whether the resolution strategy is early settlement, alternative dispute resolution, or trial, BVH attorneys will strenuously advocate for their client at every stage of the litigation. If trial is ultimately required to bring a case to resolution, BVH has experienced trial lawyers with proven results in the federal and state courts. In the rare situation where a case is appealed, BVH has a proven track record of success in both the state and federal appellate courts.